Perth is OK! mailout referral competition

Share our mailout with your pals and win a $2K Crown voucher

We’re growing our mailing list, and need your help…

The Perth is OK! audience is spread far and wide across a number of platforms, but in 2024 we’re all about our mailing list, baby! In an era dominated by wacky social media feeds and ever-changing algorithms, our mailing list is the most direct form of communication we have with you.

It gets our best content straight to your inbox, including all that’s good around Perth and Western Australia, exclusive offers, what’s happening around town and so much more. By subscribing to our mailing list, you’ve entrusted us with a direct line and a level of engagement/interest that we deeply appreciate and don’t take for granted.

In essence, our mailing list is more than just a collection of email addresses—it's a community, and it’s a community we’re hoping to keep growing this year and beyond, hopefully with a little bit of your help…

Win a 2-night stay at Crown Towers!

We’re giving away a 2-night stay at Crown Towers, and to go in the running all you need to do is refer our mailout to your friends! Simply use the referral button below, and if just one of your email pals signs up, you’ll go in the running to win.

If you’re one of the legends who just joined our mailing list through the same comp running on our website, don’t worry, you’re already in the running! And if you’re able to share our mailout with one of your pals and they sign up, you’ll get an extra entry.